
美國暑期打工旅行(Summer Work & Travel USA) 是由美國政府所推動的國際青年交流計畫之ㄧ,每年有超過10萬名來自世界各地的大學生參加本計畫。台灣地區大學生可經由YMCA代辦申請參加本計畫。透過YMCA與美國國務院授權的執行機構(Sponsor)合作,合法取得J-1簽證赴美。本計畫之精神非以賺錢和就業為目的。參加條件:大學或研究所在學學生 / 能吃苦 / 敢開口說英語 / 個性陽光獨立 / 至少能夠工作11週以上。(其他詳細資訊以當年度申請簡章為準)

It's rainy and cold in Birch Trail today. >< ( 2014年學姐 Alice )

In many people's opinion, they tend to feel that working and traveling would be a tiring job. For me, I won't think about that. 
I admitted that I felt envied when I saw people have fun outside while I had to stay in the kitchen in the very beginning.
However, I feel happy working in the kitchen. I can dance, sing, even learn Spanish while working. 
especially when others talk to me or just say "hi, Alice, how's going?" during they pass by the kitchen. It makes me feel happy. 
After all, I can have fun and join others after my work.

If you are coming to work, just remember it's a part of your obligation. You can work in either good mood or bad mood. It's all depends on you. You feel bad, you still have to work. So why don't we find something interesting during working!

We come here to learn, to experience, to have fun, and to enjoy.
Keep smiling all the time!!!!!
I love my life here 

BTW, I went to pub with friends in the camp last night. It was sooooo gooooood!!!


( Note: 我們營隊有個習慣: 每次遇到或聽到看到很開心的事情,我們就會說 how~ 
每天大家都無時無刻在how how how 哈哈哈 )